WHA國際記者會 林憶君發言稿 Hello everyone, I am Lin Yi-Chun, a legislator from the Taiwan People's Party and a professional pharmacist. 20 years ago in 2003, Taiwan suffered from the SARS. We learned from the harsh lessons that infectious diseases know no borders. Because of that, 20 years later, Taiwan was able to tackle the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic in a much more resilient and prepared manner. Taiwan was one of the first nations to alert the pandemic risk and quickly implemented adaptive measures. We also use technology such as AI, big data, and surveillance networks. The cooperation of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists have ensured that epidemic prevention supplies reach those who need them most. This cooperation has kept Taiwan's infection rate, far lower than that of most countries. During the pandemic, pharmacists across Taiwan, volunteered to deliver medications directly to the homes of quarantined patients, reducing the risk of transmission. More over, Taiwan has made significant contributions to universal health, and is committed to sharing our experience and expertise with the world to help achieve health for all. As Taiwan isn't a Member State of the WHO, it hasn't been possible for us, to participate in the negotiation of the amendment of the International Health Regulations and the drafting of the pandemic agreement. Taiwan's experience in pandemic prevention has shown our capability to make significant contributions to global health. Taiwan should not be excluded from the international health framework. I am Lin Yi-Chun, a pharmacist by profession. Thank you for your attention and support. (中文版) 大家好,我是來自台灣民眾黨的林憶君,我是立法委員,也是一位專業藥師。 20年前的2003年,SARS肆虐台灣。我們學到的慘痛教訓是傳染病不分國界。正因如此,20年後,台灣能夠以更有彈性、更有準備的方式應對COVID-19大流行的挑戰。 台灣是當時最早預警疫情風險,並迅速採取應對措施的國家之一。我們也採用了人工智慧、大數據和網路監控等技術。 透過醫師、護理師與藥師的通力合作,我們確保了防疫物資到達最需要的人手中,這種合作方式使台灣的感染率遠低於大多數國家。疫情期間,全台各地藥師自願將藥物直接送到隔離患者家中,降低傳播風險。 此外,台灣為全球的健康做出了重大貢獻,並致力於與世界分享我們的經驗和專業知識,幫助實現全民的健康。 由於台灣不是世界衛生組織的成員國,我們無法參與《國際衛生條例》的修改、談判和抗疫協議的起草。 台灣的防疫經驗已經顯示,我們有能力為全球健康做出重大貢獻。台灣不應被排除在國際衛生體系之外。 我是林憶君,一位專業藥師。感謝你的聆聽與支持。