藥英文:睡眠障礙Sleep Disturbance⑵ ◎文╱藥師洪鈺惠 be aware of [bi əˈwɛr ʌv] 意識到 bedtime routine [ˈbɛdˌtaɪm][ruˈtin] 睡前習慣 comfortable environment [kʌmfɚtəb!] [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt] 舒服的環境 When taking sleeping pills, avoid drinking alcohol and be aware of the risk of falling and dizziness. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, using soft lighting, and creating a comfortable environment will help you sleep better. 服用助眠的藥物時要避免飲酒,同時要小心跌倒和暈眩。最好可以營造放鬆的睡前習慣、搭配柔和的光線和舒服的環境。 ★即日起在電子報上,只要點文末的連結,就能聽到優美的朗讀聲,將例句讀給您聽。