臨床藥學大觀園 《論藥之道》 Repatha® 劑量與頻次之選用(下) ◎文/陳柏瑋 檢驗項目參考值: BUN (blood urea nitrogen): 7-20 mg/dL; SCr (serumcreatinine): male: 0.7-1.5 mg/dL; female: 0.5-1.2 mg/dL;CCr (Creatinine clearance rate): >60 mL/min; ALT (alanineaminotransferase): 0-40 U/L; AST (aspartate aminotransferase):5-45 U/L;K: 3.5-5.0 mEq/L 參考資料: 1. Repatha [dosing and titration guide]. West Greenwich, USA: Amgen Manufacturing; 2017. 2. Praluent [dosing and titration guide]. Le Trait, France: Sanofi Winthrop Industrie; 2019. 3. Po-Sheng Chen, Meng Lee, Sung-Chun Tang, et al. 2022 focused update of the 2017 Taiwan lipid guidelines for high risk patients: Coronary artery disease, peripheral artery disease and ischemic stroke. J Formos Med Assoc. 2022;121:1363-70. (全文完) (本文作者為臺北榮民總醫院藥學部臨床藥師 /陽明大學藥理所碩士)