[Posted 07/02/2020]
FDA Updates on Hand Sanitizers with Methanol (2)
FDA remains vigilant and will continue to take action when quality issues arise with hand sanitizers. The agency is especially concerned with:
• The dangers of drinking any hand sanitizer under any conditions. While hand sanitizers with possible methanol contamination are more life-threatening than those that are not contaminated, FDA urges consumers not to drink any of these products.
• Certain hand sanitizers that may not contain a sufficient amount of ethyl alcohol or isopropyl alcohol.
• Hand sanitizers that are sold or offered for sale with false and misleading, unproven claims that they can prevent the spread of viruses such as COVID-19, including claims that they can provide prolonged protection (e.g., for up to 24-hours).
• Products that are fraudulently marketed as “FDA-approved” since there are no hand sanitizers approved by FDA.
• Products packaged to appear as drinks, candy or liquor bottles, as well as products marketed as drinks or cocktails because their appearance could result in accidental ingestion or encourage ingestion. Children are particularly at risk with these products since ingesting only a small amount of hand sanitizer may be lethal in a young child.
Read more about the MedWatch Safety Alert, including a link to the FDA Drug Safety Communication, at: https://reurl.cc/20xEM4
美國FDA提醒消費者可常用肥皂和清水洗手至少20秒,尤其是如廁後、吃東西前、咳嗽,打噴嚏或擤鼻後。如無法使用肥皂和清水,美國CDC建議消費者可使用至少包含60 %乙醇的乾洗手液。美國FDA仍持續關注,並於乾洗手液品質有問題時採取行動。其議題包含:
• 勿於任何情況下飲用乾洗手液。儘管可能被甲醇污染的乾洗手液比未被污染者更致命,美國FDA仍建議消費者勿飲用此類產品。
• 某些乾洗手液可能未含足夠含量的乙醇或異丙醇。
• 販賣乾洗手液並提供錯誤和誤導性的資訊,包含未經證實宣稱可預防病毒(例如COVID-19)的傳播,以及可提供長期保護力(例如長達24小時)。
• 標榜「美國FDA」核准之產品,然目前尚未有美國FDA核准的乾洗手液。
• 包裝成飲料、糖果或酒瓶的乾洗手液,以及以飲料或雞尾酒銷售的產品,因其產品外觀可能會導致意外食入或鼓勵食入。因僅攝入少量洗手液即可能對年幼的兒童造成致命傷害,兒童食入此類產品的風險特別高。
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