藥英文:How to put in eye drops如何使用眼藥水 ◎文╱藥師藍偉玲 contact lenses [ˋkɑntækt] [lɛnz] 隱形眼鏡 eyelid [ˋaɪ͵lɪd ] 眼瞼 blink [bliŋk] 眨眼 Wash hands and remove contact lenses before handling eye drops. Tilt head back, pull down lower eyelid to form a pocket. Hold dropper above pocket, close eyes, and avoid blinking. Wait five minutes between medications, using drops before ointment. 使用眼藥水前,先洗淨雙手並取出隱形眼鏡,頭微向後傾,拉開下眼瞼,形成一個小口可以滴入眼藥水。將眼藥水直接滴入眼瞼,輕閉雙眼,不要眨眼。使用不同的眼用藥物時,至少間隔5分鐘,先使用眼藥水再使用眼藥膏。