1. 冠狀動脈心臟疾病須長期接受Aspirin合併P2Y12 inhobitors雙重抗血小板治療,常用組合為aspirin 75-100 mg qd及clopidogrel 75 mg qd。胃食道逆流疾病則常用H2 blocker及proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) 緩解。
2. 疑義說明:
Clopidogrel為一個前驅藥 (prodrug),本身沒有藥理活性,需經過肝臟酵素 CYP2C19代謝後才能成為活性代謝物。PPIs類藥品中,esomeprazole及omeprazole為CYP2C19的抑制劑,併用時於藥物動力學學理上會抑制clopidogrel轉換成活性型,進而降低其效果。臨床效果方面,2018年美國Przespolewski等學者進行小型臨床試驗,比較單用clopidogrel (n=23)及併用 clopidogrel + PPIs (dexlansoprazole, n=10; rabeprazole, n=10; esomeprazole, n=11;omeprazole, n=9; lansoprazole, n=10; pantoprazole, n=12) 之抗血小板效果 (platelet aggregation),結果顯示各組之間抗血小板效果並無顯著差異。闡述該交互作用的臨床影響程度低,仍待更嚴謹大型的臨床試驗確立。
然針對上述藥物交互作用,美國FDA仍建議臨床如遇clopidogrel與esomeprazole (或omeprazole) 併用時,建議可以替換P2Y12 inhobitors抗血小板藥品為ticagrelor或prasugrel,或替換不經由CYP2C19代謝之PPIs,如dexlansoprazole、lansoprazole、pantoprazole、rabeprazole等,以避免藥品交互作用,尤其對於CYP2C19代謝不良者,更需謹慎。
1. Przespolewski ER, Westphal ES, Rainka M, et al. Evaluating the Effect of Six Proton Pump Inhibitors on the Antiplatelet Effects of Clopidogrel. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2018;27:1582-89.
2. Bhatt DL, Cryer BL, Contant CF, et al. Clopidogrel with or without omeprazole in coronary artery disease. N Engl J Med. 2010;363:1909-17.
3. Uisset T, Frere C, Quilici J, et al. Comparison of omeprazole and pantoprazole influence on a high 150-mg clopidogrel maintenance dose the PACA (Proton Pump Inhibitors And Clopidogrel Association) prospective randomized study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2009; 54:1149-53.
4. O'Donoghue ML, Braunwald E, Antman EM, et al. Pharmacodynamic effect and clinical efficacy of clopidogrel and prasugrel with or without a proton-pump inhibitor: an analysis of two randomised trials. Lancet. 2009;374:989-97.
(本文作者為臺北榮民總醫院藥學部臨床藥師 / 國立陽明大學臨床醫學所博士)
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