藥物警訊 Opioid Pain Relievers or Medicines to Treat Opioid Use Disorder: MedWatch Safety Alert - FDA Recommends Health Care Professionals Discuss Naloxone with All Patients when Prescribing (3) [Posted 07/23/2020] Health Care Professionals: • Discuss the availability of naloxone with all patients when prescribing or renewing an opioid analgesic or medicine to treat OUD. • Consider prescribing naloxone to patients prescribed medicines to treat OUD and patients prescribed opioid analgesics who are at increased risk of opioid overdose. • Consider prescribing naloxone when a patient has household members, including children, or other close contacts at risk for accidental ingestion or opioid overdose. • Additionally, even if the patients are not receiving a prescription for an opioid analgesic or medicine to treat OUD, consider prescribing naloxone to them if they are at increased risk of opioid overdose. • Educate patients and caregivers on how to recognize respiratory depression and how to administer naloxone. Inform them about their options for obtaining naloxone as permitted by their individual state dispensing and prescribing requirements or guidelines for naloxone. Emphasize the importance of calling 911 or getting emergency medical help right away, even if naloxone is administered. Read more about the MedWatch Safety Alert, including a link to the FDA Drug Safety Communication, at: https://reurl.cc/8nqnXg 給醫療專業人員的建議: 處方或重新開立opioid類止痛藥或使用治療OUD的藥物給病人時,請與病人討論naloxone該如何取得。 使用藥物治療OUD或是有高風險服用opioid類藥物過量的病人,請考慮開立naloxone。 當病人有家庭成員(包括兒童)或其他關係親密者,有可能意外攝入opioid類藥物或藥物過量時之風險時,請考慮開立naloxone。 此外,即使病人未接受opioid類止痛藥或使用治療OUD的藥物,若其為服用opioid類藥物過量的高風險族群,亦考慮開立naloxone。 對病人和其照顧者衛教如何辨別呼吸抑制及如何使用naloxone。告知他們所在州之naloxone調劑或處方的規定,以及可能取得naloxone的選擇。強調緊急狀況下立即撥打119或尋求緊急醫療協助的重要性,即使已服用naloxone。 更多相關訊息與連結請參考FDA網址:https://reurl.cc/8nqnXg (全文完) 資料來源:美國FDA之藥物安全警訊 資料提供:台大醫院藥劑部