藥物警訊 Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine for COVID-19: Drug Safety Communication - FDA Cautions Against Use Outside of the Hospital Setting or a Clinical Trial Due to Risk of Heart Rhythm Problems (3) Consumers: • Do not buy these medicines from online pharmacies without a prescription from your health care professional. • Do not take any form of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine that has not been prescribed for you by a health care provider. Serious poisoning and death have been reported after mistaken use of a chloroquine product not intended to be taken by humans. • If you have these medicines in your home, keep them in childproof containers out of the reach of children to prevent accidental poisoning. Health Professionals: • FDA recommends initial evaluation and monitoring when using hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine under the EUA or in clinical trials to treat or prevent COVID-19. Monitoring may include baseline ECG, electrolytes, renal function and hepatic tests. • Be aware that hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine can: - cause QT prolongation - increase the risk of QT prolongation in patients with renal insufficiency or failure - increase insulin levels and insulin action causing increased risk of severe hypoglycemia - cause hemolysis in patients with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency - interact with other medicines that cause QT prolongation even after discontinuing the medicines due to their long half-lives of approximately 30-60 days If a health care professional is considering use of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to treat or prevent COVID-19, FDA recommends checking www.clinicaltrials.gov for a suitable clinical trial and considering enrolling the patient. Consider using resources available to assess a patient's risk of QT prolongation and mortality. Read more about the MedWatch Safety Alert, including a link to the FDA Drug Safety Communication, at: https://www.fda.gov/safety/medical-product-safety-information/hydroxychloroquine-or-chloroquine-covid-19-drug-safety-communication-fda-cautions-against-use?utm_campaign=FDA%20MedWatch%20Hydroxychloroquine%20or%20Chloroquine%20for%20COVID-19&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua 消費者: • 未經醫療專業人員處方,請勿自行從線上藥局購買此類藥品。 • 非由醫療專業人員處方於自己之任何劑型的hydroxychloroquine或chloroquine請勿使用。有通報因為錯誤使用了非人類服用的chloroquine產品而導致嚴重中毒和死亡之案例。 • 若家中有此類藥品,請放在兒童安全包裝中,且置於兒童無法觸及的地方,以防止兒童意外中毒。 醫療專業人員: • 美國FDA建議在EUA或臨床試驗中使用hydroxychloroquine或chloroquine治療或預防COVID-19時進行初步評估和監測。監測可能包括用藥前之心電圖(ECG)、電解質、腎功能和肝功能檢查。 • 請注意,hydroxychloroquine或chloroquine可能:  -導致QT延長。  -在腎功能不全或衰竭的病人,增加QT延長的風險。  -增加胰島素在體內的濃度和作用,導致嚴重低血糖的風險增加。  -導致G6PD缺乏症的病人溶血。  -此類藥品半衰期約為30-60天,故即使已經停藥,仍可能與其他導致QT延長的藥物發生交互作用。 如果醫療專業人員正在考慮使用hydroxychloroquine或chloroquine來治療或預防COVID-19,則美國FDA建議可確認www.clinicaltrials.gov是否有適當的臨床試驗可納入該名病人。考慮使用既有的資源來評估病人QT延長和死亡的風險。 (全文完) 更多相關訊息與連結請參考FDA網址:https://reurl.cc/ZOMYLA 資料來源:美國FDA之藥物安全警訊 資料提供:台大醫院藥劑部