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Zithromax, Zmax (azithromycin): FDA Warning - Increased Risk of Cancer Relapse With Long-Term Use After Donor Stem Cell Transplant


AUDIENCE: Patient, Health Professional, Oncology

ISSUE: The antibiotic Zithromax, Zmax (azithromycin) should not be given long-term to prevent a certain inflammatory lung condition in patients with cancers of the blood or lymph nodes who undergo a donor stem cell transplant. Results of a clinical trial found an increased rate of relapse in cancers affecting the blood and lymph nodes, including death, in these patients. We are reviewing additional data and will communicate our conclusions and recommendations when our review is complete.

BACKGROUND: The serious lung condition for which long-term azithromycin was being studied called bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome is caused by inflammation and scarring in the airways of the lungs, resulting in severe shortness of breath and dry cough. Cancer patients who undergo stem cell transplants from donors are at risk for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. The manufacturer of brand name azithromycin is providing a Dear Healthcare Provider letter on this safety issue to health care professionals who care for patients undergoing donor stem cell transplants.

Azithromycin is not approved for preventing bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome. It is an FDA-approved antibiotic used to treat many types of infections affecting the lungs, sinuses, skin, and other parts of the body. The drug has been used for more than 26 years. It is sold under the brand names Zithromax and Zmax and as generics by many different drug companies. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria that can cause infections.

RECOMMENDATION: Health care professionals should not prescribe long-term azithromycin for prophylaxis of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome to patients who undergo donor stem cell transplants because of the increased potential for cancer relapse and death.

Patients who have had a stem cell transplant should not stop taking azithromycin without first consulting with your health care professional. Doing so could be harmful without your health care professional's direct supervision. Talk with them if you have any questions or concerns about taking this medicine.

Read the MedWatch Safety Alert, including a link to the FDA Drug Safety Communication, at:


閉鎖性細支氣管炎(bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome)是一種嚴重的肺部疾病,主要為肺部的氣管發炎和結痂而導致嚴重呼吸急促和乾咳的症候群,而長期使用azithromycin。接受異體幹細胞移植的癌症病人為出現閉鎖性細支氣管炎之高危險群。然而一臨床試驗結果發現,對於接受異體幹細胞移植(donor stem cell transplant)的血液或淋巴相關癌症病人,不應長期給予抗生素azithromycin以預防此種發炎性肺病,因會增加這類病人之癌症復發率(包括死亡)。

Azithromycin未被美國核准用於預防閉鎖性細支氣管炎。Azithromycin的製造商已提供醫療專業人員關於azithromycin之相關警訊 (Dear Healthcare Provider letter)。美國FDA也正在檢視其他資料,並會在文獻回顧完成後提供結論和建議供醫療專業人員參考。


[Posted 08/03/2018]


